Wednesday, March 28, 2012

true confessions

cody and i attend a group of 20-30 people titled "transitions" that meets once a month for people who are in a transition of life. most people attending are about to graduate or have recently graduated and trying to figure out how to transition from college to the real world. this last month we discussed community and how to live in vulnerability. [if you have about 20 minutes, you should watch this video: The power of vulnerability]

our small group discussed how technology increases each day. with the increase of technology, a lack of community develops. we post blogs that share a small, positive glimpse of our lives. we only post the pictures that we look best in on facebook. we tweet - pin - and the list goes on...and while we post all of these things, we get this false impression that we feel connected to that person. have you found yourself saying "i saw on facebook that you...." and seldom we dig deeper. even as i connect with friends via messages and emails who don't live near, it is easy to only share what makes me look best.... this is called impression management.

a blog i regularly follow talks about impression management and how to avoid it through confession. you can find that post here. she decided to start a link up for confessions. [for newbies - a link up is where several blogs all focus on a topic and is posted on the link up host site. then others can see all the blogs on said subject]

so here are some things i would like to be honest about: 

- i often am very self-conscious to write blog posts. i have never been confident in my writing style and always feel uncomfortable in my word choice and grammar. i love sharing life - but don't enjoy writing the process. for instance, this post has taken me over an hour at this point. and even as i type this, i am afraid you would be critiquing every sentence. 

- i am afraid we won't find jobs soon. often, i "give" this fear to the Lord but have noticed my hearts intentions. i only "give" it to the Lord in hopes he will provide immediately. each day my heart grows impatient and anxious in one way or another. with this impatiences and anxiety, i get frustrated with responses from other people because it's not the answer that i want to hear. i want and try to control the situation as much as i am able to.

- subbing is okay but my heart longs to teach my own classroom; to have the same students every day; to have a steady routine. i often have to remind myself to not look ahead and wish away the free time we have. i am not always grateful for the schedules we have now - knowing that i should be incredibly grateful because this will probably be the most un-busy we will be for a long time.

- cody is so great to me that it becomes so easy to be self-centered and not serve him the way i should.

well friends, i am going to end with that for now. i confess that i don't have it altogether but i do have one thing that means everything; Jesus Christ.

James 5:16
Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.

[to see more confessions on the link up, click the button.]


  1. This was so very well written, Brittney. Thank you so much for sharing in honesty! I too feel very self-conscious about blogging. It just shows I find my identity in those impressions people have!
    I love your blog and I love this post. :)

  2. Hi Brittney! I love this post. I think you are a really great communicator, and I really like your posts and how pretty your blog is. :-) I, like Holly, can completely empathize with number 1. It is amazing how something can take so long that feels like it should be so simple. But, it's good practice...both in writing as well as in trusting God with our worth.

    Thanks so much for sharing!
