Monday, January 23, 2012

pinewood derby's and entertainment centers

saturday was cody's first [cub scout] pinewood derby experience!

one of his students that he mentors is a cub scout so cody decided to compete in the "outlaw" race. overall, cody placed 7th out of 13 cars. he had a couple disadvantages: sickness and not knowing the cars weight. [notice the taped coins on top of the car?]

his student received best of show out of the pack! the student painted his car as a white hamster, with detailed whiskers and all. cody went with a simple green and yellow theme. [go pack go!]

overall, we had a lot of fun. plus it meant the world to his student that cody took the time to make a car, and compete in the derby. needless to say, i am so proud of cody. :)

also speaking of cody, remember when i said he made an entertainment center here?

here is an unfinished glimpse. we still need to paint it and figure out how to hide the cords behind the unit. i will post pictures when it is complete.

i am blessed by his workmanship and relationship building.

Friday, January 20, 2012

my first sub job!

yesterday i had my first, official job!
i was at the school i student taught at.
let me tell you, it felt SO good to be back [even if it was for a half day].

what did i teach? well, i basically was a floater.
first hourish: indoor recess.
next hour: music teacher for 1st grade.
[this was...interesting! ha! it went well, and thankfully did not have to sing. but there is a reason i don't plan to teach music full time :)]
fifteen minutes: music teacher for kindergarten
[sadly, not the class i taught last semester. but it went so well! so much it made me rethink of i shouldn't be a kindergarten teacher...]
last 45 minutes: 1st grade teacher.

at one point i had to walk past the kindergarten room and was caught by a couple of my past students. with wide eyes and grinning faces, i heard "THAT WAS MRS. ANDERSON!!" and had to quickly keep walking to not disrupt the entire class. yes, i feel like a movie star. and yes, i miss them greatly.

i am starting to realize that i am having a difficult time moving on from those kiddos. but thankfully, God's grace and love meet me right where i am. and show me that he does have a special plan for me to be a teacher. now it's always a matter to truly trusting and believing His truths.

Monday, January 16, 2012


obsessing over: the color gray, boots and scarves

working on: having quiet times each day with the Lord, rearranging and organizing our apartment, working out, making a substitute bag


thinking about
: that i think the most when i am trying to go to sleep, and to be grateful for everything i have been given in all circumstances

anticipating: my first substitute job, and what this semester will look like for our jobs

listening to: pandora stations: gungor, phil wickham and the head and the heart

drinking: water, spark, tea

wishing: i had my own classroom - i may have said this before but i am ready to teach.

[this might be a new trend for my blog. maybe once a week? we will see...]

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

christmas break

...and i'm back!

for the past 2 and a half weeks we have been in new mexico spending time with cody's family and friends. we did lots of fun things like:

-go sledding in the mountains
-ride the train up to santa fe (about 2 hour ride there and back)
-walked around the square in santa fe with good friends
-catch up with friends
-make lots of smoothies on his parent's vitamix [i think i'm in love...]
-go on walks
-help cody's sister move to lincoln

-cody built a new entertainment center for us! [he wants to blog about that later]

-and i was able to read books [sadly, never got around to teaching myself how to crochet/knit. it will happen]

it was a relaxing break - but i am ready to get back to routine. still trying to figure out what the looks like but am simply taking one day at a time. today consists of cleaning. laundry and planning meals. have i mentioned i love being a wife? well, i do. i love caring for our apartment, organizing meals, decorating and [learning] to cook. most of all, i love being married to cody.