Monday, November 5, 2012

state fair, garages sales and desserts

the past couple weeks have been very busy [or so it seems]
and we've been creating many "first" memories as anyone does when they love to a new place.

we went to the texas state fair for the first time. probably one of the main reasons people go to the fair is to eat food. and we had a lot of fried food. maybe too much... we each had our own corn dog and then shared fried cookie dough, fried smores, fried whoopie pie, chocolate covered bacon with sprinkles, and fried oreos. we decided next year we don't need to sample as much. :)

big tex went into the flames the day before we went...

garage sales....i didn't expect to find anything so it's even sweeter when you find a a excellent price! the first house we went to was a teacher wanting to part with her classroom things. i picked up approximately 50(ish) posters and 3 nifty pocket charts. i bought a bag of stamps, stickers, etc. did i mention that i bought all of this at an AWESOME price? it was very very difficult to not buy more, but i practiced self control. my husband is thankful for that...

i've also done some baking....
[i forgot to take my own pictures....these pictures are taken from the respected websites. found on pinterest, but attached the link to the picture for the recipe]

i promise i have been cooking real meals. yummy ones at that, but these turned out really well and wanted to share these recipes.

i will leave you all with that today. i told you we've been busy!

coming soon:::
- bell helicopter family day
- our first high school football game
- the sonic craze
- holiday prep