Monday, October 15, 2012


last week brought a major transition to our household : new jobs!

cody is now working at bell helicopter as an engineer! he loves that he gets to work with the actual parts of the helicopter - which means he gets to get a little dirty. :) today was the start of week 2 and has loved it. we are very...extremely blessed and grateful for cody's opportunity to work and serve within this company.

i am no longer working at sprouts, the grocery store. i can now focus my time on substitute teaching. last week, i substitute taught all week. thankfully it was the same school, same grade and even one of my favorites, kinder. i look forward to establishing myself in schools, but until then i will play lotto sub {what i call the automated phone system for sub jobs...because you never know what it could be}

some fun things we will be doing the rest of this month:
-starting a new home group [with the church we've been going to]
-the state fair
-garage sales
-a pumpkin patch
-husker watching
-simply relax before the holiday season approaches

so besides the new jobs, we are enjoying and adjusting to our time here. it seems a bit strange to me that it's 80 degrees in the middle of october and leaves aren't really changing colors or falling to the ground. i sometimes still miss my home state but have enjoyed making this my new home.