Thursday, May 30, 2013

a {second} anniversary

cody made this our first anniversary. black dots are places we have lived and white dots are where we have visited in the two years being married.

our second anniversary came and went. we were incredibly busy the two weeks surrounding may 14. this year, cody had the idea to have several dates of places that we have lived since being married. he's so great :)

cincy date: skyline chili and graeters ice cream
graeters ice cream will forever be a favorite of ours
skyline chili...not so much

nebraska date: runza and frings
the runza's were pretty fantastic

cali date: california pizza kitchen and yogurtland
[we did not live in california but might as well say we did]

up next: texas date

cody surprised me with this on our anniversary:

here is why this willow tree is so special:

almost summer

school is almost over. yep, you heard me right. not over yet. the last day is june 6.

meanwhile, i've been day by day subbing and pinteresting for my classroom next year. if you follow me on pinterest, i apologize for my abundance of pinning. if your'e not a teacher, i apologize a little more. :)

i officially will be teaching 4th grade next year! i will focus on reading, grammar and social studies. texas history anyone? :)

here are some ideas that i have been interested in: (links are all attached)

love the idea of sorting the papers for the week. 
and loving the color combo of blue and green

idea of having a "family tree" in the classroom

great blogs from other texas teachers. 
i need all the help i can get for texas history

have been playing with the idea of incorporating QR codes in the classroom.
my first thought: putting a code at stations for station instructions. 

i am realizing i am more excited for school to be out so i can officially be in my room for next year! will post pictures when i can. it's been difficult committing to how i want to decorate my room. it's silly yet very exciting at the same time. right now i'm considering blues and greens. 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

later rather than sooner

you know how they say "sooner rather than later"

well in the case of my blogging it has been "later rather than sooner"

i could start off saying how it's been forever since i've blogged but you already know that. i could say that a lot has happened in my hiatus but you probably already guessed that. i could say that i am going to try to start blogging more but i can't make that promise. so i am going to spare all of those cliches and start to blog.

substitute teaching: since february i have been in two long term substitute positions. from february to april i was in a 4th grade class teaching math and preparing the kids for the state tests. i ended the 4th grade position on a monday and got a call that tuesday afternoon asking if i wanted another long term position starting the next day in 1st. of course i immediately said yes. so for the past few weeks i have been in a 1st grade class. yes, it was unplanned. yes, it has been drastic change. (in more ways than one) yes, i am more tired in 1st than 4th. :)

good news: about two weeks ago i found out that i have a job for next year!!!!! i will be at the school where i have been doing these long term substitute positions. currently it is for 3rd grade but i have a feeling the grade level could change. there are moments i realize this reality more and more. especially as i start to plan for next school year. [i apologize to those who follow me on pinterest...]

cody: has been doing great! enjoying his time working on helicopters and hanging out with friends. i have been noticing how much more extroverted he is. [or how much he loves to be around people] cody recently learned how to brew beer! you can see pictures on our friends blog here.

walter: oooh walter...he got a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad haircut about a month ago. im not sure if i should even share pictures of what it was at first. just imagine not good. here is a before his haircut and what he looks like's getting better

huskers: i found this shortly after the red white spring game. love me some huskers. you can read more about team jack here