Tuesday, May 8, 2012

being busy!

wowza! it has been a very busy 2 weeks in this household. here is what has been going on with the anderson's:

about 2 weeks ago we went to the zoo in omaha. we contemplated about going because the weather was suppose to be bad and decided to go anyways. there was a 100% chance of rain and storms throughout the day. best part? it started raining when we opened the car door to go home. and we had a TON of fun!
last week i was blessed to have an interview at a school here in lincoln. in my mind, it would have been the perfect job. unfortunately, they offered the job to someone else. the day i found out was the hardest day. thankfully, God has given me a great peace knowing He is Sovereign in the entire situation and has a better plan for my teaching career. 

we do have our summer lined up. currently, cody will be working at a golf course doing maintenance full time. sometimes i have to remind him this is a summer job :) and i just found out that i will be working at a summer day camp through the YMCA. 

we still are waiting to hear about full-time career type jobs. through all of this, i am learning a deep lesson of waiting and giving control over to the Lord. we have done all we can for some possibilities. i can't control the situation and often that drives me crazy. and cody is so great throughout all of this. he is so good about reminding me that we do have jobs for the time being. he gives me grace when i become anxious. all in all, he reminds me how patient and gracious Jesus is with our fears and anxieties. i am being reminded that God is FOR us and our future. 

farmers market:
this week was the first week of the farmers market. i am blessed to look at these in my kitchen and giving our apartment a sweet aroma. [peonies are my FAVORITE]

weddings and anniversary:
for the past several weekends, i have been able to celebrate the upcoming wedding of my best friend. i am so excited for her to get married in less than TWO weeks!

and saving the best for last:
our ONE YEAR anniversary is next monday! WOOO HOOO!!!!! we are so excited to celebrate. it has been a wonderful year - but i will save that for a post of it's own. 


  1. Yay for the first anniversary! I'll be praying for you all about jobs. That is so hard... but like you said, so fruitful in terms of trusting God. Also... I love peonies too! :)

  2. love this post brittney! i've been struggling soo much with this job search and the rejection part of it. it's been a crazy roller coaster of emotions. so thanks for reminding me that it's in His control and His plan is greater than anything we may want right now. happy one year to you and your hubby! :)
